About Me

I am Ibrahim Aliu, a computer engineer who has specializied in creating web and mobile applications.

I have spent all my time and effort to process my thoughts and work, and then present it in the most beautiful way for other people.

I like to think of me as a complex system to combine multiple inputs and produce my own output.

This is what I love to do, and I do it in many forms.

Since my childhood, I loved to read poems to big audiences. After my personality growth, I began expressing my feelings and thoughts in poems.

Then, in my teenage times I learned Photoshop. I started to create digital art with manipulating multiple photos in a single frame to produce the most visaually satisfying artwork.

When I got a camera, I started enjoying to capture the beauty in a frame and pay attention to details in photoshoot and then in postprocessing.

I love doing things that require creativity, wit and spending time in details, because little details are what makes it shine.

I chose to study computer engineering where I can push myself more to solve new and complex problems everyday. This way, I am getting to improve my system more and it helps me in other fields of life too.